Monday, December 31, 2012

good-bye 2012

isla, you are the very best thing about 2012! 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

santas of the season

when isla was born i thought i would have to be crazy to hand my infant child over to a stranger, even if it was santa! then...we unexpectedly ran into the REAL santa. 

he was kind and sweet and spoke about his grandchild of the same age. he even had her smiling. what a sweet first visit.  

of course i couldn't leave well enough alone. i just had to have her picture taken dressed in her elf costume. we made our way through the crowded mall.


look at the CREEP-O santa's helper we met! isla was even disgusted! 

three months

happy three months to my favorite girl. 

cry baby, colic baby
big smiles 
a handful of giggles
10pm to bed, 8:30am to rise
morning person
GIANT morning smiles
frantic fist sucking 
drool babe
blue-grey eyes
such strong legs
fatter every day
12lb 9oz (at least) 
stork bite remains
'silent' laughter

Monday, December 10, 2012

san antonio or bust

we don't foresee a VAcation in the near future so we settled on a lovely DAcation. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Commune Love

i am in love with this christmas card made by my sis-in-law. our little commune has and dog make 7! CAIRGAD!