as a pregnant lady i have quickly gotten used to hearing advice from other moms and honestly, i really enjoy it. i embrace hearing what those who have been there have to say. i love hearing pregnancy stories, birth stories, advice on mommy-hood, must have products, etc.
one bit of pregnancy advice i have heard time and time again is that i must document my experience. while i will definitely have a baby book (must purchase and start SOON), a pregnancy journal is not something i have ever even considered. why would i want to recall all the morning sickness, migraines, fatigue, hypotension episodes, food aversions...shouldn't those be long lost memories? it is a fact, pregnancy is not all rainbows and butterflies but i have really been enjoying it (let's just forget about weeks 8-12). so, i have decided to heed this most popular advice...
- may have felt baby move early this week
- definitely some serious movement today while listening to beethoven pandora
- still wearing regular clothes but usually with a rubber band to hold jeans closed
- running or hitting the gym at least three days a week (pretty good considering all the fatigue)
- still having aversions to fish
- amazed that this little is growing inside of me... 4" already! a little mix of rob and me...what will it look, act like?!
- so, so filled up with love
- rob talks and sings to baby with his mouth against my tummy-determined that the baby know his voice
- terrified of my tummy turning into a basketball or worse, me turning into a whale...not much control over my future shape so why not photograph the entire process, after all who knows if i will ever experience this miraculous process again!